The Time of My Artistic Life

So, I have this art teacher named Mr. Bambang. He is actually a really nice guy, but he's way too perfectionist. One time I spent almost two weeks doing an art project and only got 86, and that was the best score he has given to me. For my friends, and also me, getting a 80 score is really a miracle! Oh, and this semester we have "Perspective View" as our 1st project and I drew this picture of my dream home theater.

Today Science One had art class like usual with him. He gave some marks for our (the students of science one) perspective view project while we were doing our next project, projection. He gave comment to some of our works and finally he reached to my drawing. 

He said ...

" Doni, you got 90"


Never in my life I ever imagined getting 90 for an art project, especially if it's with Mr. Bambang!

He took my artwork and kept it as "example" for the next underclassmen. This is the picture I took before I submitted the artwork:

You just made my day, Mr. Bambang!

Doni Achsan

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