Transformation : Debater jadi "Puisier"

buahahaha. beberapa minggu yang lalu aku ditunjuk sama bu Sekar buat ikut lomba baca puisi. whacks?! emaang aku punya tampang sastrawan gitu (kecuali tampang ganteng - yeah i know ya know it). awalnya sih aku anggap malesin, abis aku adalah tipe fast speaker. gampange bacotan supercepet. iya, kalo aku ngomong itu udah ngebut sampe2 guru di sekolah gamudeng aku ngomong apa. maklum biasa debat langsung ditarik baca puisi, karena debat full bacot - dan kalo lelet materi yang tersampaikan jadi dikit kan?

Siang itu aku dipanggil : seleksi tahap sekolah! buah, kayak seleksi tahap pelajarku aja. ada aku, mbak je, anti, dek putri mardhiyah, sama sapto. dan kita dites buat puisi dalam waktu sejam, and present it right after we've finished it. FYI lomba ini bukan lomba bca puisi aja, tapi LOMBA CIPTA & BACA PUISI. how daring it is! tapi tetep dibawa asik aja. dan amazingly, aku LOLOS! buah, aneh juga kenapa bu sekar dna bu dahlia bisa milih aku sama anti. padahakl mnurutku yg lain juga bagus2 kok, terutama dek putri mardhiyah yang jadi juara 1 berturut2 sibema cup. ya udah jalanin aja, latian dan latian. kalo dilihat dari segi puisi, i'm ruling the heart of the reader. but my voice is just suck, i can't even spell the words right! Gosh, debat udah mendarah daging dan susah buat ngerem kecepatan bicaraku. ya udah aku pasrah aja. let's see pas lomabnya nanti :')

24 februari 2011 - time to fight! fyi ternyata smansa ga tau informasi kalo lomba baca puisi cewek dan cowok disatuin. gubrak! sainganku berat2 dong! (bukan bermaksud menyindir kaum adam, but please i'm gonna be realistic now). yang cewek sagubrak, yg cowok jadi minoritas. aku nomer urut 12, anti 7. disana ku ketemu si sasha, pacarnya si sapto dan benny, pacarnya wewes. haha, we have a good time there. 
almost all participant didn't what the meaning of "read" is. they give declamations, and unrealizing that this is a poem reading competition. and we did it successfully, although i can read it unwell. yeah, kinda suck since i'va made a great poem but i can't read it well. and after that i had a good time with firda and otniel (duo singers from smansa mageleng - they rocked the stage!)

terakhir pengumuman. yah, pengumuman biasa. juara nyanyi cewek bukan lain hanyalah si Firda Ajeng P. she's the 1st winner and grab the provincial competition ticket. the male singer is from bla bla school (sorry i forgot to hear the name of the school). otniel cuma dapet juara 3, and for us it was a great honor. keep fight otniel, you'll have the 2nd chance right after you're in the 2nd grade! 
and there came the winners for the poem reading competition. the 3rd is anti, 1st is sasha. and guess what! i won the 2nd place! i can't believe it, since all the poem reading tutors from smansa magelang looked like believing anti is better than me. but they said that my poem is better than anti's. i don't know the role of the adjudicators, but thanks for this honor.

dear readers, doakan aku ya. besok tanggal 8 maret aku maju tingkat provinsi. aku gak berharap banyak, since i'm newbie in the world of poem. but i'll do best, and Allah will do the rest. wish me luck-eh-success to show the provincial level that SMA N 1 Magelang is one of the best school in Central Java.

Salam alay,

Doni Achsan
ps : i'm not that alay
pps : lady gaga is alayer than me
ppps : Kangen band is the alayest organisms ever!

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  1. jadi penasaran... emangnya puisimu yang diikutin lomba itu kayak apa sih..?? di share donk di sini... aq pingin baca nih...


  2. huaaaaaaa hayyu! kamu baca blogku!? #dadiisindewe
    oke, ntar kalo sempet aku post
    masalahnya masih dalam bentuk hardcopy jwe
    wehehehehehehhe :3

  3. huaaaaaaa hayyu! kamu baca blogku!? #dadiisindewe
    oke, ntar kalo sempet aku post
    masalahnya masih dalam bentuk hardcopy jwe
    wehehehehehehhe :3


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