OH MY GOD! - Pengumuman Civic Education Workshop di D.C.!

Okay, I'm so speechless.

Jadi gini, beberapa bulan yang lalu kan aku ikut lomba essay yang diadain oleh Dept. of State (Deplu) Amerika Serikat. Lomba ini dikoordinasi oleh American Councils. Temanya: Describe a social, political, or economic issue that is important to you. Why is this issue important to you, and how do you hope your participation in the Civic Education Workshop will help you to address this issue when you return home?
Aku ambil tema "korupsi". Buat bikin nih essay aku perjuangan banget minta dieditin sama guru bahasa inggris aku di sini. Beliau baik banget meluangkan waktu buat ngedit grammatical error di essay aku. Here it is:

Eradicating "Shameful" Stealing

Without any intention to judge smokers like corruptors, take a look at a small analogy between smoking and committing corruption: it is not easy to stop a habit that is ingrained, entrenched, and even become dependence. I believe that all corruptors know that corruption is wrong; a demise, just like the real smokers know that smoking is not good for their health. But, as long as the body is still strong enough to move and work, and the nation can still run national activities, then all is fine. Smokers think that only pranksters would perform anti-smoking campaigns, just like corruptors believe KPK (Corruption Eradication Commission) is only loitering around their thrones. Here I am, trying to overcome this problem. 

In my opinion, corruption is misappropriation or embezzlement (state funds, companies, etc.) for personal benefit or anyone else. I found two reasons why this white collar crime happens. The first is justification. Ironically, a lot of people who commit corruption believed that it is acceptable and has become a tradition in the bureaucracy; even not doing corruption would be considered abnormal! The second is opportunity, like all people know; crime doesn't always happen just because the intention of the perpetrators, but also opportunity. This shameful action is still a big problem in my home country, Indonesia. 

Corruption is stealing, and for me it is a shameful action to take things that don’t belong to us. It’s unfair if somebody takes money supposed to be allocated for national development just for personal benefit! Thirty one million Indonesian people live under the poverty line. Many are starving to death or suffering chronic diseases, and their health aid money is stolen by irresponsible people. In some islands, schools have no roof. Kids have to share class since there is only one classroom. Some are even merged with cowsheds! Frankly, the National government earmarked a large budget for education and delivered to the local levels. KPK traced the money’s usage and only 80% could be accounted for. The other 20% vanished and nobody knew where it went. This issue is very important since it diminishes the living standard of people and obstructs national development. Shamefully, it degrades my leaders’ morality.

                As a democratic country, the United States successfully establishes a transparent government. I went to State Capitol in Madison in October 27 2011, learning firsthand how Wisconsin runs its successful government. I also met the State Representative, Steve Kestell. We shared opinions about key success of modern USA and believed that there are two solutions in fighting corruption; awareness of the society and the role of media. The inference is publications will increase people’s awareness to the bureaucracy and eventually control the behavior of the government so it won’t commit corruption since it’s watched by many people. 

In my home country mosque takes a big role in social life. I’m planning to share my thoughts with RISMA, my regional Muslim youth organization, to increase civic empowerment. Every week there will be a discussion session, and as the committee I’ll make a sharing about corruption and how Muslim youths should take part to address the issue. This is a great civic education with direct impacts to the society. I’m the president of English Speaking Club and vice president of Journalistic Club in my school in Indonesia. Each year we have conferences and debates to address our thoughts about current national issues, a big stimulus to increase our solicitude to the nation. The role of media is really strong, so I’ll propose a journalistic visit to governmental offices to increase the understanding between students and their government. Indonesian ranks the second biggest population in Facebook, even the first in Twitter. It means that internet and social networking can be used as strategic targets for my Journalistic club to perform anticorruption campaigns. With our publications I’m sure the Indonesian online society will be politically enriched. 

I really believe that with my participation in Civic Education Workshop (CEW) I will learn more about volunteering and leadership. The successful United States is rooted in its people who willingly volunteer to build their nation, and I’m going to learn it in CEW. As the complement, with good leadership skill I can move the people around me to fight corruption. CEW will surely open the eyes and hearts of Indonesians, and I’m ready to be the bridge of this understanding when I return home.

Sejam yang lalu aku barusan pulang dari New York City; piknik sama temen2 sekolah. Niatnya sih ngecek email buat kepastian BUBW Conference di Orlando. Eh gak taunya malah nemu nih email;

Dear YES student:

I am pleased to inform you that the volunteer evaluation committee in Washington, D.C. has selected you as a participant in this year’s Civic Education workshop.  Congratulations on your selection!  The workshop will take place in Washington, DC from February 26 to March 3, 2012.

An official letter from the Department of State will be sent to you shortly. Given the holidays, it may be a week or more before the letter arrives.

Again, congratulations and best wishes for the New Year!



Gabriel Coleman
Operations Manager
Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study (YES) Program
American Councils for International Education
1828 L St. NW, Suite 1200
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 833-7522
Padahal beberapa hari yang lalu aku dapet pengumuman kelolosan BUBW Conference di orlando, FL (amin). Tapi walau gitu masih ada kemungkinan kalau aku dipindahin ke BUBW Conference di San Diago atau Baltimore. 
Kayaknya aku cuma bisa ngucap puji syukur ke Allah Yang Maha Keren. Tanpa anigrahnya I won't be here like now. I <3 you
PS: New York Class Trip was REALLY AWESOME! You have to see my new blog post ASAP! (will be posted several days from now).
Much of love,
Doni Achsan 

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