Asupan "Gizi" Setiap Hari

dear readers,

kayaknya udah lama banget aku gak ngepos di blog aku. kali ini aku bakal cerita tentang pelajaran - pelajaran apa aja yang aku ambil buat satu tahun mendatang di Chilton High School.



Desain Grafis? yep aku ambil! mumpung di amrik kan? hahahahaha. di kelas ini kita belajar tentang desain. jujur ini kelas paling asyik yang aku dapet di sini, berhubung hobi nggambar aku ngematch sama hobi ndekem berjam2 depan kompi. project pertama aku surprising banget: ngedesain template buat skateboard. di Indo kapan ya ada pelajaran gini di SMA? selain itu side job aku namanya Scanogram, yaitu semacam teknik desain yang berkaitan dengan scan benda 2D ataupun 3D dan kita wajib ngedit hasil scan ke empat tampilan yang berbeda dengan adobe photoshop

This course will encompass several areas of graphic media such as printmaking, design projects (commercial, collage and mosaics), and papermaking (combined with other media).
By the end of this course, the students will be able to:

· Extend and reinforce his/her knowledge of printmaking by successfully creating relief and drypoint printing techniques.
· Gain an awareness of various techniques used in graphic art and demonstrates their skills in composition, illustration, and computer graphics.
· Understand that design education includes skills in the design of environments, objects, information and experiences.


Belajar bahasa Inggris di engara dengan bahasa nasionalnya Bahasa Inggris ---> susah BANGET! tapi di sini pengajarnya enak banget dan sistem eblajarnya bener2 asyik. so sampe rumah jadi semangat buat belajar deh. hahahaha. dan hari ini aku bahagia banget! essay yang aku buat dapet nilai A+ (38/35, aslinya 33/35 cuma karena aku ngumpulinnya pas hari itu juga aku dapet bonus +5 credits) dan PR-ku dapet A juga (32/34)! padahal temen2 lain kebanyakan B+ atau B. Alhamdulillah di sini aku bisa bikin kaget guru bahasa Inggrisku. hahahahaha #ketawa puas

oh iya, tambahan hari ini aku ada kuis buat extra credit. guess what, i got 9/10 yang setara sama A (karena bentuknya extra credit gak dilabelin A, B, etc tapi krn aku dapet bonus 9 kredit maka entar kredit akhir aku plus 9 deh hahahahaha) dan anak2 yang lain kebanyakan B. somehow bangga banget bisa dapet straight A berbahsa Inggris walaupun Bahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa ketigaku di Indonesia (setelah Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Jawa tentunya)

Prerequisite: Senior standing and successful completion of English 9, English 10, and English 11.

Students will read and analyze a variety of authors in British Literature and late 20th century fiction in a variety of genres. Students will also focus on modern non-fiction genres including the newspaper and newsmagazine. Focus will be on development of elevated writing techniques; including self-editing, formulating cohesive thesis statements, and writing well-organized and thoughtful formal essays and research papers.


jam kosong! yeaaaah! aku mabil ini karena saran hostmom. dia khawatir aku bakal susah sama English 12 jadinya butuhjam kosong buat belajar di perpus. yep, aku ambil nih OFF BLOCK dan alhamdulillah ngebantu banget buat ngerjain PR atau belajar sebelum ulangan. dis amping itu lumayan lah bisa maen sama Julie, anak exchange dari Norwegia.


kalau anak STM (dan SMA N 1 Magelang yang diajar sama Pak Bambang) pasti tau materi
proyeksi kan? disini aku belajar proyeksi lagi, yang menurut aku agak susah di Indonesia, tapi di sini Alhamdulillah aku menguasai banget. mungkin karena faktor fasilitas dan mentornya ajdi aku bisa lebih paham dari sebelumnya. kelas ini dipersiapkan buat pra - kuliah di jurusan arsitektur, teknik (terutama teknik sipil) dan fakultas lain.

Design is a term course that deals with varying aspects of drafting, design, and problem solving. This course will give introductions to sketching, hand drafting, two-dimensional drafting, three-dimensional drafting, blueprint reading, architectural design, and engineering assemblies to problem solve.

At the completion of this course students will be able to: (1) identify differing drawing types, line types and their uses, drafting tools, and program commands (2) draft an object from a drawing, actual object, or list of plans/ideas (3) read a blueprint accurately (4) explain the important role of drafting and design in our society today (5) use their knowledge of design to solve mechanical and engineering problems.


Di sini kita eblajar tentang system pemerintahan Amerika Serikat. Aku belum tahu banyak tentang kelas ini since aku masih njalanin quarter 1 dan belum masuk ke quarter 2.

Students will be able to identify the structural basis of our national, state, and local government. Building upon that base, students will develop their analytical and critiquing skills to work toward better government procedures and practices. Students will improve their skills of relating current government developments to their historical context.



Sebenarnya aku ngambil College Prep. Biology sebelum ini, karena disitu kelasnya emang bener2 didesain buat praktek kuliah yang diterapkan pada anak2 SMA. So pasti gak kayak pelajaran bio di Indonesia yang cuma baca buku, kopas hasil praktikum temen, dan tidur siang pas jam terakhir. Sayangnya aku gak tau kalo kelas ini dikhususkan untuk Sophomores (kelas X) buat latihan praktek sebelum lanjut ke kelas yang lebih tinggi. Akhirnya aku ganti ke Advanced Biology, imbang antara praktek dan materi dan merupakan kelas dengan level tertinggi di sini. Semoga aja bias survive, amin!

Advanced Biology is a Two Term elective for college or tech school bound seniors. Students who qualify may apply for dual credit (5 credits) in college biology through Silver Lake College (SLC).
Advanced Biology is a course that familiarizes students with the basic concepts of human anatomy and physiology. The students will take a systems approach to reach an understanding of human structure and function. There will be a strong emphasis on laboratories, lab practicals, and the use of biotechnology.

Upon completion of the course, students will:
· Have a better understanding of human structure and function and its relationship with various medical related fields
· Be able to demonstrate mastery of: concepts, knowledge, and appropriate techniques used in many college laboratories and in some applied medical and veterinary professions


Aku ambil ini karena pengen banget bias ngirit uang saku. Bener2 personal banget ya? Hahahaha.

Designed for all students, Personal Business/Finance will explore the student’s roles and financial responsibility as a student, citizen, family member, consumer, and employee. It will cover current research, laws, technology and personal investment strategies as they relate to an individual’s finances.

Topics include career strategies, money management, financial security, credit management, and consumer rights and responsibilities.


Pelajaran ini menurut aku pribadi adalah gabungan ilmu alam dan social. Di sini kita belajar tentang hubungan interpersonal dan juga hidup dengan sehat.

This is the final required course in the Human Growth and Development series. This course will be counted for freshmen and transfer students who have not fulfilled the DPI’s requirement of .5 credit of Health. The main emphasis of this course is to help the students understand the complexity of the family and how it is formed, maintained and improved. It is concerned with the development of adult responsibility with the understanding that sexuality is a part of the individual’s personality and that it contributes to creative drives and abilities and helps to distinguish the personas of an individual.

Sound scientific knowledge will be taught concerning every aspect of human sexuality so that students will be able to make wise decisions. If parents do not wish their children to attend periods during which sensitive issues are discussed including homosexuality, contraception, abortion, and family planning, they may have these children excused by completing the form provided for this purpose.

Students thus excused are to be scheduled in study halls during the times of their absence at no penalty.

The central issue woven throughout this course centers on the family with the assumption that students will be enabled to formulate intelligent decisions regarding marriage and family life.

At the end of this course students will be able to:
· Analyze their personality to “realize” who they are
· Write goals and benefits from community involvement
· Demonstrate techniques of effective communication
· Become a more educated/responsible decision-maker
· Analyze the need for strong families
· Explain the difference between sex and sexuality
· Examine the consequences of sex
· Draw up a budget for single living and find a job to support that lifestyle
· Become familiar with help available to families in time of crisis


Sebenarnya aku ambil kelas ini biar masih ada pelajaran yang aku senengin di semester dua. Hahahahaha. Gak jauh beda sama pelajaran seni lukis di Indonesia, Cuma aku yakin banget system pengajarannya bakal beda dengan variasi teknik yang lebih terarah pula.

The main emphasis of the course will focus on various drawing media such as pencil (graphite and colored), pastels and charcoal using a variety of techniques. Painting will explore watercolor, acrylic and oil mediums focusing on realistic and abstract renderings.

By the end of the course the students will be able to:
· Improve their drawing skills with varying techniques such as: contour, gesture, perspective, value shading, crosshatching, pointillism, computer generated images.
· Gain experience with new and old materials such as: scratchboard, pen and ink, charcoal, pastels, colored pencil and combining medias.
· Demonstrate his/her ability to develop techniques of controlling and applying acrylic or oil paint such as: priming, blending, scumbling, hardedge, glazing, shading and combining acrylic or oil paint with other media.
· Demonstrate his/her ability to develop techniques of controlling and applying watercolor paint such as: mixing colors, dry brush, wet on wet, wet on dry, washes, reserving whites, scratching out, and combining watercolor and other media.


Di sini kita belajar etntang konsep yang lebih mendalam tentang matematika. Mungkin hamper setara dengan pelajaran kelas XI akhir atau kelas XII awal di Indonesia. (di sini ada kalukulus Cuma aku gak mau ambil. Entar aja aku ambil di Indonesia.)

Students will learn analytic geometry, conics, advanced functions, limits, college-level trigonometry, and introductory calculus. Students interested in science, engineering, or mathematics as a college major are strongly advised to complete this class before graduation.

really excited here!
Doni Achsan

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  1. Wah, asyik banget sistem pembelajaran di Amrik. Pengalaman hebat buat mu, Doni. Jangan sia-siakan. Om Yuddy senantiasa berdoa untuk kesuksesanmu.

  2. Good blog, good write, good experience. Congratu;ation for Doni. Sucsess for you....

  3. Hallo mas Doni....

  4. makasih udah baca blog saya
    @om yuddy: om sebar2in blog aku ya? hahahahahahha

  5. Ini sistem pembelajaran reguler di sana atau khusus untuk siswa exchange?
    Untuk siswa regular biasanya ambil berapa mata pelajaran dalam satu semester?

  6. sistemnya sama rata buat anak exchange ataupun siswa reguler. tiap hari ada empat block, perblock 1,5 jam pelajaran :)


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